


When you donate to your local community through Clutha Foundation your donation holds the promise of supporting future generations.  Your contribution transforms into a lasting legacy, meeting the needs of Clutha forever.  Your gift today ensures the community you cherish grows more resilient and self-sustaining over time


We maintain a strong connection to the Clutha community, ensuring your financial gift goes directly to worthy local causes where they can have the strongest impact.  Funds are distributed through an annual funding round. 

Take a look below at the groups we have helped so far.  With your support, we can achieve even more!




  • Big River Kahui Ako to provide counselling and support to young people to enable them to fully engage in learning.

  • Cross Recreation Centre to provide a third basketball court to allow for more opportunities for people to participate.

  • Kiwi Harvest to provide a fortnightly food run to Balclutha with two pallets of food.

  • Plunket to provide community playgroups fostering early childhood development and building supportive connections within local communities.

  • Presbyterian Support Otago to provide a buddy programme for children of South Otago.

  • South Otago Federation of Women’s Institute for the purchase of wool for small baby garments to be knitted for new mums.

  • South Otago Mountain Bike Club to engage a civil contractor to complete tracks, jumps, replace a culvert and purchase equipment for skills park.

  • South Otago Sharks Swimming Club to provide a competition level backstroke starter to support coaching and development for swimmers.

  • Tapanui Primary School PTA to upgrade the Tapanui school playground.

  • Clutha Budget Advisory Service to provide one-on-one financial mentoring sessions to clients who use the Food Hub on a regular basis.


  • Clutha District Council Youth Council - to run a C.A.C.T.U.S. physical training programme.

  • Clutha Parks Trust - to purchase seating and picnic tables.

  • Cross Recreation Centre - to add a cultural element to the school holiday programme.

  • Jenny's Companionship Group - to provide company and social interaction to seniors in the community.

  • Kaitangata & District Promotions - to purchase a bench seat for the Memorial garden.

  • Kiwi Harvest - to help to run a fortnightly service to Balclutha with two palletts of food.

  • Lawrence Summer Arts Festival 2009 Inc. - to provide creative youth workshops during the school holidays.

  • Milton Community Health Trust - to purchase a community wheelchair.

  • Plunket - to run a new parents group once a term.

  • SOHS - Big River Kahui Ako - to provide counselling and support for young people.

  • The Brain Injury Assn - towards facilitating an Outreach programme in South Otago.

  • The Clutha Budget Advice (Happy Feet Programme) - to continue with the Happy Feet footwear programme.

  • The Clutha Budget Advice (Clutha Food Hub) - to provide funding to purchase freezers for the Food Hub.

  • Tokomairiro Kahui Ako - to provide funding for online support to families and students within the community.


  • Big River Kahui Ako - to provide counselling and support for young people.

  • Catlins Coast - towards the replacement of a laptop.

  • Catlins Early Learning Centre - towards outdoor play space for the new Learning Centre.

  • Clutha Budget Advisory Service - towards the "Happy Feet" project.

  • Clutha Community Hub - towards the cost of the Auditorium retractable seating.

  • Clutha Recreation Centre - towards the replacement of the floor scrubber.

  • Dunkeld Cemetery Trust - to provide an accessible Memorial of Remembrance to Beaumont's soldiers.

  • Kidzway Early Learning Centre - towards their indoor environment.

  • Kiwi Harvest Ltd - to help Kiwi Harvest with their fortnightly run to Balclutha with 2 pallets of food.

  • Owaka Going Forward - towards the printing of the Catlins Connection monthly newsletter.

  • South Otago Mountain Bike Club - to help create a Mountain Bike Park for the Clutha District.

  • South Otago Theatrical Society - towards replacing the floor in the Auditorium.

  • South West Otago Sports Activator Committee - towards the continuation of the SWOSA programme in the Clutha District.

  • The Brain Injury Assn (Otago) Inc. - towards facilitating an Outreach programme in the Clutha District. 

  • West Otago Karate Club Inc. - towards the replacement of roof and spouting on the Karate building.


  • Balclutha Kindergarten:   Forest kindergarten facilities

  • Blessed Box:  post partum support for new mothers

  • Clutha Parks Trust:  towards the redevelopment of Naish Park

  • Budget Advisory Service:  Happy Feet project to provide school shoes

  • Balclutha Antique Fire Fighting:  towards the building of a display shed

  • Lions Milton:  to support their annual fundraiser

  • Project Bruce:  Milton street art project

  • Ronald McDonald House:  towards the accommodation costs of Clutha families

  • Warepa Collie Club:  towards the new toilet block

  • Clutha Emergency Services Trust:  maintenance of defibrillators across the district

  • Tokomairiro Toy Library:  outdoor play equipment

  • Riding for the Disabled:  purchase of comfort pads for riders


  • Budget Advisory:  Happy Feet project

  • Clinton Rugby Club:  towards the upgrade of the existing playground

  • Riding for the Disabled:  towards the training of coaches

  • Lawrence Gymkhana Club: towards the upgrade of the kitchen facilities

  • Kaka Point Surf Life Saving Club: towards the building of a shed to house rescue boat

  • SOTS:  safe heaters for the green room

  • Presbyterian Support Otago:  towards the Buddy programme

  • Project Bruce:  Ninja Fire Spinning course for young people

  • Lawrence Skate Park:  a community led project

  • Balclutha Parents Centre:  towards the upgrade of car seats for hire

  • Balclutha Gymnastics Club: for equipment purchase

  • School Activator programme:  towards the continuation of this very successful initiative

  • South Otago Kindergartens: sports programme in Milton and Lawrence

  • Drive My Life:  safe driving course