Clutha Foundation has distributed funding to 10 community groups during the 2024-25 funding round. Over $245,945 has been granted to Clutha organisations since 2020.
This year’s grants come from pass-through funding from Otago Community Trust and funds distributed from Barry & Helen Pannett Family Endowment, Brian & Pauline Dodds Endowment, Lyddon Farms Endowment, Blair Cross Endowment Fund, and the Owaka & Districts Fund.
Clutha Budget Advisory Service received a grant for their financial mentoring programme. These mentoring sessions are more than budgeting, they provide a one-on-one service that empowers people.
Big River Kāhui Ako is another organisation supported by Clutha Foundation. Their Hearing You programme provides free counselling for tamariki in the Clutha District. Hearing You councillors serve 12 local primary schools, each each councillor manages approximately 80 cases per school term. Hearing You counselling helps children improve their communication skills, understand boundaries, and explore relationship dynamics in a safe environment.
Clutha Foundation Chair, Bill Thomson, says an increase in applications this year made it challenging to allocate funds. In fact, the total number of applications exceeded the funds available to distribute by a factor of four!
Bill points out several reasons for the increased demand for funding from Clutha Foundation. “Many traditional funding sources which organisations relied on for capital and operational support have reduced capacity. Current economic circumstances have increased the demand for health and welfare, and education, services.”
These community needs highlight the significance of the Clutha Foundation. We make supporting great local causes easy - whether your gift is large or small, ongoing or one-off.
Congratulations to all of our 2024-25 Grant Recipients
Big River Kāhui Ako’s Hearing You programme
Brain Injury Otago
Clutha District Youth Council’s CACTUS programme
Clutha Budget Advisory Service
Kaitangata Community Pool Inc.
Kaka Point Community Group Inc.
Road Safety Education Ltd.
Samoan Society of Clutha District Inc.
South West Otago Sports Activator
Milton Community Hub Charitable Trust